Meet Our Team

Winfred Burns II
  • Lead Pastor


The word "elder" is often translated as "overseer." The office of the elder is "one of servanthood and service representing Christ through the action of the Holy Spirit," and elders are "to have supervision of the church entrusted to them. They are set apart for a ministry of watchful and responsible care for all matters relating to the welfare and good order of the church" (The Book of Church Order, RCA).

According to the Liturgy for the Ordination of Elders, elders of the church:

  • have oversight of all members, including one another, the deacons, and the ministers, equipping everyone to live in harmony with God's Word.
  • ensure the Word of God is rightly proclaimed and taught.
  • ensure the sacraments are faithfully administered.
  • assist the minister(s) with their good counsel.
  • serve all Christians with advice, consolation, and encouragement.
Viola Jackson Cleveland, ​
Kathy Gustafson,
Shandra Stewart,
David Brander,
Maria Kamara Hagemeyer,
Celeste Ryan,


The word "deacon" comes from the Greek διάκονος which literally translates to "one who executes the commands of another" or "the one who runs errands," - basically, the one who gets things done for the glory of God.

Deacons "gather gifts and offerings, care for them faithfully, and distribute them with wisdom and compassion to persons in need and for purposes that advance God's kingdom on earth. Deacons visit and comfort the distressed, provide for whatever necessities may arise, and assist the congregation at services of worship." - Liturgy for the Ordination of Deacons 

Current Deacons: 

  • Jon Myers

  • Annette Hall

  • Jean Nelson

  • Sam Kirk​

  • Mary Shumaker